Collateral events

3rd ALPS - INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL OF MONTAIN will take place from 28 August to 2 September, in Temù (Upper Valle Camonica) in conjunction with the 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018. IFRAO members, showing their badge, will have access to events in programming. For info click here

The IFRAO jewelery collection was created specifically for the 20th International Rock Art Congress IFRAO 2018, in a limited edition produced by the famous Tuscan silversmith Giovanni Raspini and designed by Simonetta Felappi, owner of the optical store "Ci Si Vede!" exclusivist of the entire collection. more info

Meeting with Marcos García Diez archaeologist and paleolithic art specialist at the Universidad Isabel I (Burgos, Spain) author of the article on the oldest manifestations of parietal art in the Iberian peninsula recently published in the prestigious journal Science.
Introduced by Gabriella Brusa Zappellini - Lombarda Archeologica Association, former university professor of Aesthetics and Art History and Angelo Eugenio Fossati - L'Orme dell'Uomomo Archeological Cooperative, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. Translation and presentation Dario Sigari - University of Ferrara, Universitat Rovira I Virgili (Tarragona, Spain)

26 September - 2 october 2017: Gargnano, palazzo dell'ex municipio (more info)
29 September 2017: Round table“Regionalità e comunanze nell’arte rupestre mondiale”, speakers: Angelo Eugenio Fossati (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano), Tiziana Cittadini (Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici) and Piero Giorgi (Università di Otago - Dunedin, Nuova Zelanda) (more info)
18 - 29 October 2017: Castello Sforzesco in Milan (more info)
25 October 2017: round table in collaboration with ALA (Associazione Lombardia Archeologia), Milan(more info)



Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici - tel. +39 0364 42091 -